The Wild, Wild West

Hi Friends,

It’s time to take the long-awaited family vaca. We are headed to Denver, Colorado to do a little ATVing, horseback riding, water sliding, and who knows what else. I feel like summer just started, and here we are wrapping it up.

Boo hoo.

Talk to you soon.

Please come back!!!!!!!!!!! β™₯

Amy Slagle

I have had my blog since 2013 and have thoroughly enjoyed using it as a creative outlet. I recently retired from teaching and before that sold pharmaceuticals for ten years and before that was an exercise instructor for twelve years. I have been all over the place with my careers including South Carolina, Texas, Manhattan, and am now back in the lovely state of Georgia. I'm originally from Illinois, but moved to Georgia when I was ten. I'm diving into the world of freelance copywriting and spreading my wings yet again. I have a passion for writing and crave laughter just about as much as frozen yogurt. This has been my attempt at sharing the madness of my world, my mind, and my humor!

Awkward Moments


Dr. Duct Tape